Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I flubbed that one...

So I was assigned ENG for the San Diego event this weekend, and things did not go as well as I had hoped or planned... Lemme start at the beginning...

San Diego is in California (obviously), which just so happens to be my second favorite state (Alaska being the first). So I was quite thrilled to be going. The bus ride was a little long, but me and one of the girls decided we were going to "document" everything on the trip, which turned out to be epicly hilarious. :P

Anyway, so we get to California, and one of the guys from my first brother core runs up and informs me that one of our sisters is going to be at the event. Now, normally, I would be extremely excited at this turn of events, but said sister happens to be dating my ex. We three don't exactly get along right now, for a lot of reasons, so this news wasn't that exciting. What I didn't realize was the little surprise she was bringing with her, who happened to be sitting in the sanctuary Thursday afternoon. Needless to say, there was a "very important job that needed my absolutely needed my attention that very second". Dealing with my ex was probably the most difficult thing to do this weekend, despite never actually verbally speaking to him.

It's one thing trying to get over someone when they live half a world away, and you don't actually have to physically deal with them. It's a whole other ballgame when they are practically right under you for an entire weekend, passive-aggressively refusing to move out of your way so you can do your job with minimal distraction.*sigh* ya, this weekend, I was quite thoroughly distracted, and not in a good way. Interviewing people was hard, seeing as how I tend to internalize when confronted like this, and having to be a happy extroverted producer wasn't exactly what I was looking for.

This led to a very frustrating conversation with my manager, Doug, and a kick in the pants from myself. Honestly, I'm glad I'm not going to Sacramento, because the possibility of a repeat of this weekend is highly unappealing, and despite what I gained this weekend, alot was taken out of me emotionally, and thus, physically.

I will say this though: after spending some time with my awesome best friend Lex, and matching up our timelines insofar as dating him went, I realized the truth about my current situation and what ACTUALLY happened in the relationship, which in turn returned even the smallest portion of my dignity. I wasn't a woman scorned because of failures in the relationship (which had all been blamed on me), it was in fact a matter of infidelity and of a jerk thinking he could get away with pitting two best friends against each other across the thousand miles that seperated us, effectively having his "cake" and eating it too. Funny thing though, kinda backfired on him when she broke up with his sorry self and we became friends again. Haha, sucker.

Ok, sorry if this blog sounds kind of morose and sarcastic, but that's kinda how this weekend was. As I said though, I got my dignity back, and a large chunk of that spark in me. My roomates actually commented on it after we practically redecorated the entire room.

Hello again, awesome world, and good bye (and good riddance) stupid jerks who think they can use and abuse women and their hearts. Your days are numbered.


‎"Don't be reckless with other people's hearts, and don't put up with people that are reckless with yours." -KV

1 comment:

  1. Update: the girl who was dating him then broke up recently with him. Funny how things work out...


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